Paz, of The Cooking Adventures of Chef Paz, has tagged my garden blog and my cooking blog for Blog Day 2006. On this day, bloggers everywhere are to name and link to 5 other bloggers that are new to them, hopefully cross-culturally, and possibly with a blog that they wouldn't normally visit. Click here and here to read more about this "let's get to know more bloggers" event.
I'm very glad that Paz picked my garden blog, as it mostly sits quietly in a corner and doesn't get much traffic. I love taking photos, not only of my cooking, but of my garden, bugs, birds, and the beauty that surrounds me--namely the Pacific Ocean, the beautiful rivers that surround us and the coastal redwoods. So, thanks for the tag, Paz!
Here are my picks:
Pomelo Pleasures - Katy is "just your average grapefruit obsessed girl" who was raised in the Pacific North West and is now living in Argentina by the Rio Parana. I lived in Argentina for several months many years ago and to read her blog is to be transported back to that beautiful country where dear friends still reside.
Steven of Dirt, Sun, Rain has a link to my garden blog on his site!! This is so exciting! Steven gardens organically in his Pennsylvania 'burb and aspires to many other things in his semi-retired state. The photos on his blog are truly inspiring. I just found out he's taking a bit of a break from his blog but that he'll be back in the spring. Thanks for the link, Steven! I'll miss you.
Nico's blog, Nico's Food Adventures, is one that I happened upon just last night and I'm so glad to have found him. Nico is from Chile, another beautiful South American country where I had the great good fortune to live for almost a year many, many years ago. Nico gives us recipes from Chile that make my taste buds remember the tastes and smells of the food I ate while there: humitas, pastel de choclo, sopaipillas. Oh, be still my heart! Nico is a grad student in Vancouver, BC. specializing in food politics. He says his appetite is way too big for his wallet. Please give us more, Nico!
Anna Maria Stone’s weblog, Pia & Co, is "dedicated to the artist in all of us, and to the artists all around us. It is about family, and food, and Italy, and crafts, and dogs, and gardening, and.... Italian food blogs". Anna Maria has written stories about her parents that make me wish I had known them myself. Her desire is to compile a cookbook of her family's recipes.
Nabeela of Trial And Error, is another blogger who is new to me. Although she's a busy graduate student majoring in math, she also cooks in a wonderfully eclectic way, using foods that I haven't tried before.
So there you have it folks. Be sure to check out these blogs if you haven't already.
Here's more about what's happening today, BlogDay, from my friend Paz. It's not too late to join in. Read below to find out how.
In one long moment on August 31st, bloggers from all over the world will post a recommendation of 5 new Blogs, Preferably, Blogs different from their own culture, point of view and attitude. On this day, blog surfers will find themselves leaping and discovering new, unknown Blogs, celebrating the discovery of new people and new bloggers.
BlogDay posting instructions:
1. Find 5 new Blogs that you find interesting
2. Notify the 5 bloggers that you are recommending on them on BlogDay 2005
3. Write a short description of the Blogs and place a link to the recommended Blogs
4. Post the BlogDay Post (on August 31st) and
5. Add the BlogDay tag using this link: http://technorati.com/tag/BlogDay2006 and a link to BlogDay web site at http://www.blogday.org/