Some critters didn't make it
Jack Frost did some fancy footwork on the glass-top table that resides on the deck. The ice is actually white but the reflection of the sky turned it blue when translated through my camera.
With camera in hand I prowl our botanical jungle, seeking out the everyday lives of plants and critters
Some critters didn't make it
Jack Frost did some fancy footwork on the glass-top table that resides on the deck. The ice is actually white but the reflection of the sky turned it blue when translated through my camera.
It took a little rest, uncurled itself and, not able to shake itself like a dog, crawled off to climb, climb again.
11/13/06, Author's note: This post, previously entitled "Wren", found me in error in identifying this bird. It's a Ruby-Crowned Kinglet, probably a female. Click here to read more about one of the smallest birds in North America. In the meantime, I'll try to get a better photo.
This is Pyracantha, a noxious weed here on the north coast, so I really shouldn't be letting it grow. Off and on I've had plans to erradicate it. It does feed the birds though, especially the robins and Cedar Waxwings. How can I deny them? Once thought to be poisonous to humans, pyracantha is now being made into jelly. Now how bad can that be?