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I realize that the clarity of these photos is somewhat lacking, but we've been so delighted by the presence of this Sharpshin(?) Hawk in the early mornings that I just had to post them anyway. According to my limited knowledge and my Petersen's bird guide, this is either a Sharpshin or a young red-shouldered hawk, though I certainly could be wrong on both counts.
He, or she, perches on one particular branch, one foot tucked up, overlooking the pond just beyond our fence, mostly looking down, perhaps hoping to catch breakfast. The top photo is natural color; I saturated the photo just above hoping to better show the markings on the feathers. These were taken from inside the house (going outside, no matter how quiet we are, scares him away), through a window, with an EFS 55-250mm lens which was cranked all the way out. (I've got a better lens and a sturdier tripod on my wish list.)
This morning was a veritable hawk-fest. This little guy was just outside the kitchen door so of course the photo was taken through the window, plus the flash went off (white light above the hawk) and the bird flew away so I didn't get a second shot. I haven't been able to identify it, so if anyone out there is a hawk person, please chime in.
We hardly ever see hawks in so close; I wonder what the attraction is this year?