Also called Lenten Rose and Christmas Rose because they bloom in winter between Christmas and Easter, Hellebores are among the earliest winter blooms in my garden. Read more about them by clicking here.
I can't remember if I chose the different colors on purpose or not. Most likely, they came in an assortment. I'm always surprised when I discover them blooming in the coldest time of the year.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
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Tuesday, January 30, 2007
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You'll have to click on this photo to get a closer look at the hawk. It was flying over the parking lot of our local grocery store yesterday afternoon. We had one of those stunning blue-sky afternoons that slowly faded into a starry then foggy night.
Monday, January 29, 2007
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Friday, January 12, 2007
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It snowed yesterday.
For 15 glorious, quiet minutes, big, cottony, white flakes fell from the sky only to instantly melt on the ground.
It was a lovely, fleeting moment. Then the sun came out.
Later, the stars in the clear, cold night sky seemed to be crystals of ice, glittering and sparkling with a light of their own.
And then it froze. Hard. Down to 28 degrees. And we woke up to a white world, a few photos of which I give you today. With more to come after the weekend.
All this may not seem like such a big whoop to those who live with ice and snow all winter long, but we live on the coast of northern California. And we don't see weather like this very often at all. Snow down to the beach.
To us, it's quite a marvel.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Webs On Thyme
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My Thyme shrub is no more than 6-inches tall.



Closest. Please click on photos for best effect.
I'm taking the weekend off. Be back on Tuesday.

My Thyme shrub is no more than 6-inches tall.



Closest. Please click on photos for best effect.
I'm taking the weekend off. Be back on Tuesday.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Camocritters: Newt
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When they're this small they're really hard to see.
But I'm good at this. Really, really good.
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Orchid Flower Porn
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I am continually amazed at what lengths a flower will go to attract a lover polinator.
Even though they have fallen from their stems and are quite dead, their sensuousness continues.
More so than when in their prime, to my eye.
I make no apologies for the plant world. For myself, I found that I couldn't choose between many of the photos I shot, so I present them all for your viewing pleasure.
I make no apologies for the plant world. For myself, I found that I couldn't choose between many of the photos I shot, so I present them all for your viewing pleasure.
Friday, January 05, 2007
Jack Frost Is At It Again
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Jack Frost has been at it again.
After several days of near record-breaking warmth, a cold front literally blew in yesterday, dumping snow in the hills around us, hail on us and, this morning, frost everywhere.
Why we keep leaving the grill out in this weather is beyond me, but I was so glad we did this morning as I was greeted with these glorious and mysterious displays of Mr. Frost's handiwork.
How DOES he do it?
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
A New Year For Raven Ridge Gardens
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Then I found this peeping out from under some leaves.
To firmly cement the beginning of an auspicious new year, we climbed the famous Strawberry Rock (my first time!) to see what we could see.
360-degrees is what! Top photo is looking west and shows Trinidad Head.
The bottom photo was shot looking southward and shows Clam Beach.
Monday, January 01, 2007
Ushering Out 2006 With Flowers
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Blooms from my garden on the last day of 2006:
The rose who's name I always forget
First Quince blossoms of the season.
Can you find the cat?
Passion Flower
A teeny, tiny Fuchsia
Not a blossom, but I love Cotoneaster berries
Happy 2007 to all who have visited this garden blog over the past year.
You have given me wonderful feedback and tremendous support.
I truly appreciate you! Happy Gardening!
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